Even after years the Ulan Ude plant with about 4000 sows and the connected fattening is always in operation. The owners have several plants in Russia. The one equipped by us with heat recovery has the highest performance. And this despite the fact that the lowest temperatures prevail at the Ulan Ude site in Siberia.
Here, too, the advantage of heat recovery becomes apparent. The automatic de-icing device for the exchangers, which we developed especially for these extreme conditions, has proved its worth.
The ice deposits caused by the immediate freezing of the exhaust air moisture can be clearly seen.
Here, however, the heat exchangers ensure dry soils and a high health status during the wet and cold season.
In the foreseeable future, this plant is to be mirrored again at the same location, but for this to happen, the political and thus the economic conditions must first change. Our European politicians have with their boycott decision against Russia, not only the agriculture but also their suppliers in Europe severely damaged and are still doing so.